Custom-made to fit around your damaged tooth, dental crowns are particularly useful in cases where not much tooth structure remains.
And thanks to advances in dental technology, the new tooth-coloured porcelain crowns don’t just protect your teeth, but blend in perfectly with your smile as well.
Crowns come in different materials, all of which have pros & cons. The main three are:
The strongest of the three, gold crowns are often used for teeth that are out of view as they don’t blend in with existing teeth.
With a metal alloy gold core and an aesthetically pleasing porcelain shell, this type of crown can be used for teeth that are in view.
The latest porcelain crowns let light partially filter through, which makes them look just like your other teeth. With the absence of a metal core on the inside, the tell-tale grey lines that are usually seen with the older metal ceramic crowns are no longer there.
There are many reasons for crowning a tooth, but the main goal is always to protect it from chewing forces. Because a considerable portion of the tooth needs to be removed before placing a crown, this treatment is rarely used for aesthetic purposes alone. Crowns can be placed when:
Dental crowns can usually be fitted in just two appointments:
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Dr Zaki Kanaan is one of the dentists on the Channel 4 show Embarrassing Bodies.