General dentistry

Dental services in Fulham & Hammersmith for the whole family, from routine dental examinations to tooth extractions.

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We’re not just about cosmetic dentistry procedures.

At K2 Dental we provide the highest level of dental care for all the family, including routine examinations, sealants & fillings, root canal treatments & tooth extractions.

Routine examinations

Routine dental examinations in Fulham & Hammersmith

Routine dental examinations allow us to monitor your teeth, gums and general oral health, provide advice to ensure longevity and advise on any appropriate treatments where necessary.

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Sealants & fillings

Sealants & fillings in Fulham & Hammersmith

To help repair cavities and protect against tooth decay we provide fissure sealants and fillings at our practice in Fulham & Hammersmith.

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Root canal treatments

Root canal treatments in Fulham & Hammersmith

Root canal treatment (RCT) is required when the blood or nerve supply to the tooth has been affected by trauma, infection or decay. This may or may not be accompanied by symptoms of pain.

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Tooth extractions

Tooth extractions in Fulham & Hammersmith

If you need a tooth extracted then our professionals can provide expert tooth extraction and a range of services to overcome tooth loss.

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Emergency dentistry

K2 Dental is a friendly, leading dental practice based in Fulham and our team is always on hand weekdays, evenings and weekends to offer emergency appointments for our registered patients.

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Children’s dentistry

At K2 Dental we’re proud to provide high-quality, private dentistry for children as well as adults. To help maintain a good level of oral health and to educate your child on the importance of brushing regularly we recommend your child see our dentists at least once a year.

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Frequently asked questions
▸ How long does a dental examination take?

The initial examination is booked for 45 minutes with follow up examinations taking 30 minutes.

▸ Are regular dental examinations necessary?

Yes they are. However, unlike most practices, we tailor our recall intervals to suit the individual based on their initial and follow-up examinations. There is no such thing as a one size fits all at K2. Some individuals require more regular examinations than others.

▸ Can you clean my teeth and gums too?

Yes. We have excellent and experienced hygienists at our practice. Please see our hygiene services for more information.

  Where are we

We're along Fulham Palace Road, between Fulham & Hammersmith in South London.

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  Get in touch

If you have any questions or wish to arrange an appointment please get in touch.

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    Why choose us?

    Why choose K2 Dental

    UK Dentist of the Year

    We’ve been independently voted the UK’s best dentist at The Dental Awards.

    We are 5-star rated

    Our customers love our work! They’ve rated us 5 stars on Google.

    Embarrassing Bodies dentist

    Dr Zaki Kanaan is one of the dentists on the Channel 4 show Embarrassing Bodies.